Asia-Pacific Region: The Asia-Pacific Region is home to fully 40% of the world’s population and 30% of the global land mass. Across this vast region are spread more than 7,105 spoken languages! It is further estimated that 75% of all people learn, gather information, and live their daily lives without reading. Even if we gave them a Bible they could not find their way to Christ.
Now complicate this picture with the fact that the Asia-Pacific Region has some of the most closed borders with regard to sharing of the Gospel.
How can we take the message of Christ beyond these borders and barriers? Alone we can’t, but together with God and you … we can!
A very unique opportunity has just recently arisen. In a closed world area with one of the most difficult languages to learn, we have the opportunity, in partnership with JESUS Film Harvest Partners, to send in the Papyrus Solar Audio Player. This unit, while small enough to fit in your hand, is powerful enough to be heard by up to 200 listeners at a time!
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We are looking for financial partners in this endeavor, but even more so, we are looking for partners who will be willing to commit to pray for the impact of these units, that the Word of God, shared in this fashion, would have transformational, life-changing, impact!
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- In one location young believers are taking these units, with the New Testament in the local language, into large housing complexes and loaning them out to elderly who have no access to audio versions of the Scripture.
- In another location, believers from rural areas are taking units back to their villages to share the Good News with family members.
- People having for the first time, hope in a future and salvation, because of being introduced to the love and message of Christ!
Would you be willing to partner in praying and sending the Gospel beyond borders and barriers?
- Commitment to pray for Kingdom impact from your investment.
- $75.00 per unit.
- Be part of lives being transformed for eternity!