State of Natural Disaster…Update from Nazarene Team in Fiji!

by | Feb 22, 2016

Fiji:  In the wake of the Southern Hemisphere’s most powerful storm on record crossing directly over Fiji, Friday and Saturday, Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama has declared a State of Natural Disaster!

Credit: Fiji Government Facebook

Credit: Fiji Government Facebook

“The damage has been widespread,” said Bainimarama on Sunday. “Many are without power and full access to water,  and are cut off from communication.”

A curfew is to remain in place through Monday morning, allowing emergency workers access for clearing roads of downed trees, power lines, and building debris.

The Fiji Broadcasting Corporation, quoting the country’s National Disaster Management Office (NDMO), said 21 people had died and four were still missing at sea.  These numbers could rise as contact is made with the outer islands.

 Update from District Superintendent Rev. Kafoa Muaror

Rev. Atty. Kafoa Muaror, Interim President of APNTS

Rev. Kafoa Muaror, District Superintendent of the Fiji District and Vice Chairman of the General Board of the Church of the Nazarene.

  • The Nazarene pastors we have been able to reach are okay, but we are still not able to contact many of them as the outer islands of Kadavu and Taviuni and the northwestern part of Viti Levu remain cutoff from communications.
  • Still attempting to establish contact with Pastor Daniel Latu, pastor of the Nazarene church in the town of Ba, which was one of the hardest hit areas.   Daniel serves as the Melanesia South Pacific Field NYI Coordinator.  Please pray that contact will be established with Daniel soon and for the safety of his family and those in this hard-hit area.

    Pastor Daniel Latu, NYI Coordinator for Melanesia South Pacific Field

    Pastor Daniel Latu, NYI Coordinator for Melanesia South Pacific Field

  • All Nazarene pastors who are able will be gathering together at the District headquarters in Suva on Tuesday, February 23rd, bringing assessments from their areas so that a coordinated response can be developed.
  • Most of the Nation of Fiji remains without power and it will probably be some time before power is restored especially to the more remote and outer islands.
  • The current focus is on providing shelter, food, and safe water for those that we can.


Credit: Fiji Government

Credit: Fiji Government

It is reported that most of the buildings in Suva, the country’s capital, have only minor damage.  Review of photos of the more coastal and outlying areas show significant devastation, with houses flattened and trees stripped of foliage.


WMC Special Report – Fiji – Cyclone Winston Update from Asia-Pacific Nazarene on Vimeo.

CARE Australia is reporting that the storm also caused severe damage to houses and crops in Tonga, another island nation that lies to the Southeast of Fiji.

Please continue to make prayer a priority for the Nation of Fiji and for all of those who have been impacted!  If you wish to partner in the relief effort, please follow this link.atr-fiji_cyclone

Feature Image Credit: BBC

Todd & Connie Lou Aebischer

Todd and Connie Lou Aebischer served as Regional Communications Coordinator - Regional NMI Coordinator respectively for over 4 years. They are now serving in Papua New Guinea under Mission Aviation Fellowship as Country Director / Program Director.

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