24th Global Nazarene Youth International Convention – Deadline Approaching!

by | Aug 22, 2016

The countdown to the Global NYI Convention continues…. We are 10 months away! Each district NYI convention should be electing youth, lay, and ministerial delegates and alternates at this time. The deadline to elect NYI delegates is 31 March 2017.

Each month leading up to the Global NYI Convention, we are highlighting various aspects of the convention to help delegates prepare. The focus of this highlight is on resolutions.

One aspect of the Global NYI Convention is to consider resolutions to amend the NYI Charter and/or the Global Ministry Plan. All NYI delegates should become familiar with section 810.404 of the Global Ministry Plan in order to understand the role and process of resolutions.  Because the local, district, and regional ministry plan templates can each be amended through other processes, only resolutions to amend the Charter or Global NYI Ministry Plan are considered.

Here are ten important things to know about resolutions:

    1. Any District NYI Council, Regional NYI Council, Global NYI Council, or at least six sponsoring delegates to the Global NYI Convention may submit resolutions.
    2. The resolution form should be used to submit the resolutions. Click on this link to download the resolution form in your language.
    3. Completed resolution submission forms should be emailed as an attachment to nyi@nazarene.org.
    4. There should only be one resolution per form. There is no limit to the number of resolutions that may be presented.
    5. The deadline to submit resolutions is 20 November 2016.
    6. All resolutions are considered by the Global NYI Council and a resolutions committee composed of up to two NYI delegates (appointed by the respective Regional NYI Council) from each region. A resolution must receive a majority vote from either body to be presented to the convention delegates. A resolution that does not receive a majority vote from either body is not presented to the delegates for a decision due to lack of support.
    7. All resolutions will be provided to the NYI delegates electronically in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Korean languages beginning in March 2017.
    8. The resolutions will included in the delegate handbook provided at the Global NYI Convention. You do not need to print the resolutions yourself.
    9. Each resolution must receive a two-thirds vote of all delegates present and voting at the Global NYI Convention in order to be adopted.
    10. All adopted resolutions become effective within 90 days of the Global NYI Convention.

We hope this helps you learn about the business of the Global NYI Convention. As always, check out the NYI website and the NYI Facebook page for more information.

Thank you for all you do for Nazarene youth around the world!

The Global NYI Team



Todd & Connie Lou Aebischer

Todd and Connie Lou Aebischer served as Regional Communications Coordinator - Regional NMI Coordinator respectively for over 4 years. They are now serving in Papua New Guinea under Mission Aviation Fellowship as Country Director / Program Director.

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