writing pictureWe have an opportunity to develop some of our aspiring writers across our districts as we prepare for the Regional Conference, UNLEASH THE POWER!  Prayer focus points are being developed that will guide our region to pray into the steps that will guide all of us to unleash the power of the Holy Spirit in the lives and ministries of all who will gather at the conference.  And we see this as an opportunity to call on holiness writers across our fields and districts.

NEEDED: Writers to contribute a short 100-word focused devotional reflection or life experience story or guided prayer for any of the monthly prayer themes below.  I’m willing to receive as many submissions as possible for each of the 6 themes.  Then my committee will choose the ones that will be shared across our region.  But I will accept the submissions in any language as long as it includes an English translation, and a first name of the writer.  Please consider writers of all ages.  There would not be a monetary payment, but the submissions would be catalysts to connect our hearts to God’s heart as we seek for the empowering Holy Spirit to be released across our region.

ALL SUBMISSIONS NEED TO BE RECEIVED by Regional Literature Coordinator Lisa Lehman by December 31, 2018.  If you have further questions, please contact Lisa as well.

Here are the topics we are seeking for this project:

APRIL 2019 – Unleash a Passion for Kingdom Experience
Understanding and Experiencing the Power of the Holy Spirit to Transform People towards Christlikeness.
(to add 4 weekly sub-themes)

MAY 2019 – Unleash a Passion for Christlike Leadership
Modeling courageous and servant leadership, and sacrifice.
(to add 5 weekly sub-themes)

JUNE 2019 – Unleash a Passion for Preparation and Engagement
Impacting all aspects of society. Equipping ordinary people for the impossible.
(to add 4 weekly sub-themes)

JULY 2019 – Unleash a Passion for Relationship
Loving God and loving each other unconditionally
(to add 5 weekly sub-themes)

AUGUST 2019 – Unleash a Passion for Future Generations
Empowering and launching the next generation of multipliers of disciples.
(to add 4 weekly sub-themes)

SEPTEMBER 2019 – Unleash a Passion in the Body of Christ
Unity in the church/denomination, increasing our influence and intensifying our holiness message in the Body of Christ
(to add 4 weekly sub-themes)