Transformation of a Family Tree 

Transformation of a Family Tree 

Author: Scott Sessions My great grandfather was a sharecropper in Southeastern Alabama, near the Georgia state line. He rented a small piece of land to work, and in return, he would give a portion of his crop to the landowner at the end of each year. My great...
Sanctification and Original Sin

Sanctification and Original Sin

Author: Gift Mtukwa Reinhold Niebuhr once stated that original sin “is the only empirically verifiable doctrine of the Christian faith.”1 By this he meant that we only need to look at human history to believe in the reality of original sin. This doctrine goes all...
Established in Christ

Established in Christ

Author: Svetlana Khobnya The term sanctification is not a distinct word in the Greek New Testament. The meaning of sanctification, expressed by a number of words, is related to holiness. The adjective “holy” refers primarily to God. The holiness of God the Father is...
A Community Transformed by Grace 

A Community Transformed by Grace 

Author: Tim Green Over recent years, an intriguing phrase on social media relationship updates has caught my attention: It’s complicated! I’ve not known exactly how to interpret this ambiguous phrase. I assume that it may describe a struggling relationship...
The Initiative of God: Prevenient Grace and Sanctification

The Initiative of God: Prevenient Grace and Sanctification

Author: T. A. Noble For many of us, the word “sanctification,” like the word “justification,” has come to refer to one particular moment in the life-story of the Christian. We think of justification as that moment when we first come to faith and our sins are forgiven....
A Merciful Savior 

A Merciful Savior 

Author: Flavio Valvassoura Every human is guilty before God because of his/her sin and cannot run away from this guilt and condemnation. Each of us is destined to death, but through our faith in the gracious intervention of the Son of God who took our sins on Him, we...
With the Grain of the Universe 

With the Grain of the Universe 

Author: T. Scott Daniels The loud sobbing was coming from somewhere in the blackness of the sanctuary. In the darkness, I found a dear friend laying across the seats crying uncontrollably, pleading with the Lord for mercy. T. Scott Daniels is senior pastor of...
The Righteous Judge

The Righteous Judge

Author: Svetlana Khobnya The doctrine of justification encompasses more nuances than just the word itself. The Greek word “δικαιοσύνη” used for “justification” extends to a range of meanings in English, including justification, justice, truthfulness, and...
A Community Born by Grace 

A Community Born by Grace 

Author: Tim Green Interwoven throughout the testimonies of the Old Testament is the conviction that the Lord graciously initiated and freely established a unique relationship with the community called Israel. Frequently described in terms of covenant, this...
Pelagius, Augustine, and Arminius 

Pelagius, Augustine, and Arminius 

Author: Vinicius Couto The Reformed Church of the Netherlands (RCN) has been the official denomination of the Republics of the United Provinces of the Netherlands since 1571. On the occasion of the Synod of Endem, they established the Belgian Confession and the...
The Initiative of God: Prevenient Grace and Justification

The Initiative of God: Prevenient Grace and Justification

Author: T. A. Noble For many of us, the word “justification” means much the same as the word “conversion.” It is that moment in the life of a Christian when he or she believes in Christ. Particularly, it is that moment when, after confession of sin, the new Christian...