Prayer Request from Our Melanesia South Pacific Field!

Feb 5, 2016

Papua New Guinea:  Making Christlike disciples is never an easy feat. There are many obstacles along the way, one of which could be brought about by cultural differences.

Today we received a prayer request from our Melanesia Nazarene Teachers and Bible College in Papua New Guinea, asking for strength, wisdom and guidance for the days ahead.

Fervent prayer is being requested for the following:

  • Smooth transition of registration activities to complete the important tasks at hand in the midst of tribal and other significant challenges, and the ability to sustain the ministry project from start to finish.
  • Team unity, peace of mind, heart and body for all the people involved.
  • Integrity of everyone involved, that the team may stand firm, regardless of how huge the pressure might be to compromise.
  • Traveling mercies for some of the leaders as they travel for regional meetings in the coming weeks.

God knows the desires of our hearts. If we cry out to him, he will hear us and give us what we need in times of difficulty. May our team in Papua New Guinea continue their mission of exemplifying Christ within the context of the culture through maintaining a spirit of integrity and transparency in everything that they do.

-Submitted by: Team Member in Papua New Guinea


Todd & Connie Lou Aebischer

Todd and Connie Lou Aebischer served as Regional Communications Coordinator - Regional NMI Coordinator respectively for over 4 years. They are now serving in Papua New Guinea under Mission Aviation Fellowship as Country Director / Program Director.

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