A local church in Creative Access Area becomes a beacon of faith, hope, and compassion in the community

by | Oct 13, 2023

Kadao, a local church in the central part of the Creative Access Area in Southeast Asia, is shining its light in the community. Despite lacking resources and language barriers, they were willing to serve the community and nurture their spiritual growth.

Recently, Kadao church held a Vacation Bible School (VBS). The Pastor and his daughter led the 71 children from their congregation and from the community for a joyful and enlightening experience. The VBS serves as a platform to share the Gospel, teach the children about God’s love, and kindle the spark of faith in them.

During the VBS week, Dr. Bill Kwon – SEA Field Strategy Coordinator, visited their district for a weekend of spiritual growth and deepening. The pastors from other local churches gathered to learn and fellowship with Dr. Kwon. This was also a time for this district to pray for their leader and for the blessings to be poured upon all the pastors and workers dedicating their lives to spreading the word of God.

The local church also impacts the community through its compassionate ministry outside its church walls. Their compassion extends to one of the girls who attended the VBS. The girl and her family are living under the bridge. The local church extended help and provided the family with food, cleanliness, and care. Their act of kindness testifies how the church is being the hands and feet of Jesus.

The journey of this small church in a Creative Access Area is a constant reminder of the power of faith and the transformative impact of love. As they continue to serve those in need, let us join our hands in prayer, asking for strength and blessings for the church’s endeavors. May their unwavering commitment to humanity inspire us to follow suit, ensuring that the light of God’s love shines brightly in even the darkest corners of the world.

These stories speak volumes about the indomitable power of faith, love, and compassion. Amidst challenges, this small church is a testament to the fact that one’s dedication to God can overcome obstacles. Their actions echo in the hills and valleys, reminding us that the true measure of a church’s wealth lies not in its material possessions but in its boundless love for its community.

Christine Jotiz

Christine Jotiz is the Communications Coordinator for Southeast Asia Field.

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