Discover Missions: A Journey of Faith, Impact, and Transformation

by | Jul 5, 2024

It was a life-changing and unforgettable experience for the four young adults from the Philippines as they embarked on a journey to represent the Asia-Pacific region in the recent Discover Missions held at Africa Nazarene University from 7-19 June 2024. The team consisted of Elaizah Mariquit and Juvilyn Oñola from Central Philippines Nazarene College and Florid Estrelle Serna and Raymond Garcia from Philippine Nazarene College. They were led by Regional Mobilization Coordinator – Marcio Batista and Regional NYI Coordinator Janary Suyat.

Discover Missions is an annual event organized by Global Missions to bring young adults from the 6 regions to learn about, be equipped for, and experience missions. This year, 150 youths from 42 countries participated in this gathering. These young people are united in their commitment to spreading the love and message of Christ.  Discover Missions has been an incredible testament to the power of faith, community, and divine calling.

Embracing the Call

“Discover Missions was more than just an event—it was life-altering.” Elaizah Mariquit shared how the program helped her discern God’s calling through cultural encounters, sermons, and heartfelt conversations, finding alignment with His plan.

Juvilyn Oñola’s experience highlighted taking a leap of faith despite feeling inadequate. Guided by God’s reassuring signs and support from leaders and local churches, Juvilyn’s story reminds us that serving God showcases His power through our vulnerabilities.

Florid Serna described Discover Missions as her life’s greatest challenge and blessing. The experience pushed her beyond her comfort zone, leading to a deeper connection with God and a clearer understanding of her mission. Workshops and mission site visits amplified the call to share God’s love.

Overcoming Challenges and Finding Purpose

Raymond Garcia highlighted the impact of cross-cultural service, learning that love and care transcend cultural differences. Discover Missions revealed his calling extended beyond pastoring to becoming a missionary.

Serving with Compassion

During Discover Missions, participants served orphans, sexually exploited children who were rescued, and slum residents. These experiences allowed us to embody Christ’s love, bringing hope and healing to vulnerable communities. Engaging with these communities deeply impacted our participants, reinforcing the importance of service.

A Journey of Faith and Transformation

The Discover Missions journey was about building a stronger, connected community. Participants engaged in interactions, worship services, and workshops that fostered deep connections with God and others. The support of NMI and our leaders was crucial in making this event impactful.

Reflecting on this journey, we see the incredible impact of Discover Missions. It was a time of spiritual awakening, personal growth, and unwavering faith. We are deeply grateful for the support from our leaders, local churches, and the entire body of Christ. Your prayers, generosity, and encouragement made this journey unforgettable and life-changing.

Join Us in This Mission

Are you called to a journey of faith and service? The Church of the Nazarene offers you the opportunity to explore your faith, discern your calling, and make a meaningful impact as a missionary. To apply, use this link: or contact us through

Written by: Marcio Batista – Asia-Pacific Regional Mobilizations Coordinator

APNAZ Communications

Making Christlike Disciples in the Nations

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