Papua New Guinea: Please pray for Garnet Beam, mother of Kathy Beam Radcliffe who serves with her husband, Jim, in Papua New Guinea. Garnet has a recurrence of cancer and will receive a third round of chemotherapy. Please pray that the treatments could be tolerated and effective and that the Lord will direct the Radcliffes in how to honor and bless their parents at this time.”

***UPDATE 8 February 2017***

We received this update from Kathy Radcliffe:

We thank the Lord that both parents have tolerated the chemotherapy with some side effects but not severe thus far. Garnet Beam will receive another round of chemo on Feb. 22.

Both parents are weak/fatigued from the disease and treatments.

Please pray for:


-effective results from the treatments

-minimal side effects from the treatments

-wisdom for the doctors and caregivers

Thank you for praying!


See Also: Prayer Requested for Father of Missionary Doctor (Jim Radcliffe).