In partnership with Global Nazarene Literature and the General Secretary's Office, Asia-Pacific Regional Literature held the first 3 Manual Translation...

In partnership with Global Nazarene Literature and the General Secretary's Office, Asia-Pacific Regional Literature held the first 3 Manual Translation...
Perth, Western Australia: On Sunday, 10th of December 2023, Pastor You-Sin Houe hosted all the Nazarene churches in the Perth area at Cullacabardee Aboriginal...
Australia North West District (ANWD) held its annual Ladies Retreat from 24-26 November at QCCC Brookfield in Brookfield, Australia. Forty-six women from...
Puerto Princesa, Palawan: Nazarene Women in leadership in the Philippine-Micronesia Field gathered for the Women of Wisdom Conference on 30 November - 2...
Juventude Nazareno Internasional Timor-Leste held another youth camp on the same day that most people commemorate, 'Finadu Day,' and over 100 young...
Around the Region is the Official Newsletter of the Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific. Released Bi-Weekly with all the events, gatherings and announcements all around the Asia-Pacific Region.
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