In Faith…She Stepped Out of the Boat And Into Cross-Cultural Kingdom Impact!

by | Jan 29, 2015

Asia-Pacific Region:  Grace (name changed) is an English teacher who made the decision to step out in faith, following her Lord into cross-cultural ministry in a very special location on the Asia-Pacific Region.   In a recent interview with Dave Hane,  Regional Personnel Coordinator, she shared  her journey…

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In general, how do you feel about your assignment and your accomplishments during this past year?

I am loving the work and loving all that is being accomplished in His name here in this location!

What do you consider to be your major accomplishments during this past year?

From the two Bible studies I was holding each week, 4 students decided to follow Jesus.  I was so excited about that. We continued with our weekly study and discipling, and they also began attending a discipleship group with two of my teammates.

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Also, just a few weeks ago, a colleague with whom I’ve been sharing weekly evening meals and movies all year, of her own initiative, asked the Father for forgiveness. Very unexpected but very thrilling!  I have about 5 other students, faithful to the Bible studies, that I believe may also be at the point of acceptance. Another student recently had a very earnest discussion with me about the Bible and plans to attend our studies during the fall term!

What has been the most rewarding part of this assignment?  When have you felt most energized?

kidsThe fulfilling part centers around the above developments! I absolutely LOVE the times of study, sharing and discipling with these young ladies. They ask the greatest questions and share some wonderful discoveries they are making. Other activities – movie nights, Narnia book club, and office hours – allow continued connections to be made that I hope will lead to a number of other lives being changed next year.

Narnia, Book Clubs, Food and Fellowship - Building Bridges on the Asia-Pacific Region. 

Tell us about one or two recent situations that have impacted you greatly.

dinnerI was very pleased to have my Narnia book study group over for Christmas Eve dinner and to watch “The Nativity” movie. Several said the evening was very meaningful.

Then last week, there was a fantastic response to the movie night when we showed, “God’s Not Dead.”  Almost a third of the 20 or so students talked to me afterwards, sharing how it affected them.  They wanted to get the names of songs and singers, to ask more questions, and to see about talking more later or seeing it again. Very, very pleased.

Share one situation that has caused you to cry out to God for His sustaining strength.

Traveling to this new place and new set of circumstances on my own has been pretty lonely, even stressful, at times; never more so than when pressing through a crowd of people speaking a language in which I still cannot communicate.

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Especially on special occasion days, when family is far removed, or when bad news comes from home, the temptation reoccurs to focus on myself and think that I am missing out or that I am alone in this. But, He is faithful to remind me that this path is one He has laid before me and He is with me and before me, preparing the way for me … and me for the way.

What would you tell someone who is considering a mission assignment?

Be open to the idea and never let fear stand in the way! If the Lord is the one directing your path, there is nothing that can stand in your way! Don’t let worry about money or fear of the unknown or even doubt from family hold you back if He is directing you forward. Our ‘guide’ is not bothered by your honest questions and it’s okay to take your time and seek clarity, but once you know, move forward boldly, focused on him!

One of the stories that led me here was Peter’s walk upon the waves. The storm came even when the disciples were obedient, but then they recognized His presence in the storm, just as I did in the storm that was taking place in my life at the time [I was searching for His will].

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Peter took time to discern between faith and foolishness, and asked if he should come out of the boat of safety and become a water-walker. I, too, sent out feelers to try and determine what my path should be. Peter faced his fear and grew because of it. The others were not disobedient, but they did not get as close to the Master in the waves as Peter did.

That’s what I wanted, to step out of my safety zone and walk among the waves with Him, and I highly recommend it to anyone else who feels led to take the same step of faith.

Please pray for Grace, for her students, and for the continued movement of the Holy Spirit in this very special place on the Asia-Pacific Region.

— Submitted: Dave Hane 

Todd & Connie Lou Aebischer

Todd and Connie Lou Aebischer served as Regional Communications Coordinator - Regional NMI Coordinator respectively for over 4 years. They are now serving in Papua New Guinea under Mission Aviation Fellowship as Country Director / Program Director.

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