Vanuatu, South Pacific: Prayer is requested for Missionary David Potter who is currently in the United States undergoing treatment for a detached retina.
David has already undergone one surgery to correct the detachment of the retina. In a post-operative followup, the specialist noted that there was still 20% of a gas bubble yet to be absorbed and that the vision was 20/400 in the involved eye. A follow up surgery is scheduled for October 10th, with an expected two weeks of recovery time.
Please commit to pray for David and Sylvia Potter, for David’s recovery, and also for the family during this time. David and Sylvia were originally in the states for the passing of David’s father.
Read: Prayer requested for missionary after passing of father.
*** October 10, 2016 Update
The surgery went perfectly this morning. He’s [David] seeing so much better! Even though the doctor cut his eye to remove the old lens and put in the new lens, he has no stitches and no pain!! We praise the Lord for healing! Thank you everyone for your prayers!
David and Sylvia