Past Educational Materials (NMI Leader Resources)

Alabaster (NMI Leader Resources)

Since 1949, Alabaster funds have been raised to help local congregations have access to permanent meeting space for worship. Here you will find resources for the promotion of the Alabaster offering and the works that have been funded
Global Week of Prayer Children’s Booklet

Global Week of Prayer Children’s Booklet

As the 2024 Global Week of Prayer approaches, NMI would like to invite the church to pray for the needs of our global churches and districts with requests from the regions. This is the 28th year of the Global Week of Prayer, and we have some new and exciting resources...
Global Week of Prayer Children’s Booklet

Global Week of Prayer Adult Booklet

As the 2024 Global Week of Prayer approaches, NMI would like to invite the church to pray for the needs of our global churches and districts with requests from the regions. This is the 28th year of the Global Week of Prayer, and we have some new and exciting resources...
Our First Estate

Our First Estate

Author: John Comstock Having listened intently to the minister, Jim began examining his life. The talk of intimacy with God touched a nerve that revealed his inner need. During the question and answer session, Jim couldn’t remain silent. Rising to his feet, he...
Life With God

Life With God

Author: Klaus Arnold One of the most powerful stories of a life-changing encounter with Jesus in the New Testament is the story of the two disciples on the road to the town of Emmaus on the day of the resurrection of Jesus (Luke 24:13-35). Although this is a unique...
Fullness in Christ 

Fullness in Christ 

Author: Jorge Julca As the son of a Nazarene pastor, I grew up hearing the church sing the hymn “Wonderful Grace of Jesus.” I can still hear the words: “Higher than the heavens, deeper than the sea; Greater than my guilt, nailed to the cross; Grace that satisfies the...