The first step after a natural disaster is to assess the damage, the people, and the resources at the scene. With limited resources, our NCM-Philippines team,...

The first step after a natural disaster is to assess the damage, the people, and the resources at the scene. With limited resources, our NCM-Philippines team,...
The Board of General Superintendents would like to invite the global Nazarene family to join in a virtual worship service featuring music from around the...
This is a first-hand account from Justin Miller, a missionary with the Church of the Nazarene in Papua New Guinea. He discusses his first-hand experience with...
The Asia-Pacific Region is pleased to announce that Kevin and Janet Wilkins have been appointed as Regional Work & Witness Coordinators. For the past two...
“Then Peter began to speak to them: ‘I truly understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation, anyone who fears him and does what is right is...
Around the Region is the Official Newsletter of the Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific. Released Bi-Weekly with all the events, gatherings and announcements all around the Asia-Pacific Region.
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