This past week was an exciting time as, in response to an invitation from the Filadelfia Church, the Asia-Pacific World Mission Communications (WMC-AP) Team sent three members on their first-ever training trip to Indonesia. More than 60 college/career aged young adults, representing three different churches, joined in the worship, video, and audio seminar that was taught at the GKN Filadelfia Church in Yogyakarta.

Learning the fundamentals of video production.

Learning the fundamentals of video production.

Capitalizing on training that the WMC-AP team received at a media conference held earlier this year in Thailand, the seminar in Indonesia was designed to empower young adults to utilize media technology presently available in developing contextually relevant and engaging messages.

Ervz Tia teaches video and photography

Ervz Tia teaches video and photography

“The countries of Asia-Pacific are leading the globe in the growth of mobile device utilization,” explains Todd Aebischer, Asia-Pacific Regional Communications Coordinator. “Now is the time to catch this wave and help our young adults produce media that speaks to this rapidly growing group of users. This has the potential to provide inroads like never before, to those who might otherwise never hear the gospel message.”

Contextualizing the parable of the Good Samaritan

Contextualizing the parable of the Good Samaritan

The training began by focusing on the principles of photography, video and audio production, and then moved into developing story boards depicting biblical truths (such as the parable of the Good Samaritan) into messages that capitalize on current day situations / culture to draw parallels to those biblical truths (contextualization).

While video production was ongoing, the audio group was learning equally important principles relating to the development of engaging and impactful audio spots and programs, that could be used as podcasts or for local broadcasting through the participation of World Mission Broadcast (WMB). In fact, key to this seminar was the training and deployment of a WMB Backpack Studio. This essential kit allows teams to produce audio programs without the need for leasing of expensive studio time.

WMB Backpack Studio Training

WMB Backpack Studio Training

“Evidenced by the enthusiasm displayed and growing number of participants from day one to day two, we are considering this training a great success,” said Aebischer. “As a team, we were so encouraged by the incredible talent of these young adults! God’s presence was felt not only during the seminar but during the powerful worship services that were celebrated together each day of the seminar and then again on Sunday.”

An Awesome Video Depicting the Seminar!

The WMC-AP team is already making plans to further develop this training, making it available to other churches and fields on the Asia-Pacific Region.