A Son of Abraham 

A Son of Abraham 

Author: Eugénio Duarte I did not know it then, but scientists tell us that nurturing children’s interest in small things, small animals, and small people is good pedagogy because it develops caregiving instinct in them. To this end, I do not know how well I did with...


Author: Heather Powell Over the years, the Lord kept whispering, “For I know the plans I have for you…” (Jeremiah 29:11). While I spent many years blaming God for my plight, I eventually realized that He was working in ways beyond my ability to see. Heather...
Basic Discipleship Lessons, Your New Life in Christ

Basic Discipleship Lessons, Your New Life in Christ

Author: Charles “Chic” Shaver Start new converts on their spiritual journey. This package contains 10 copies of the first lesson from Basic Bible Studies for New and Growing Christians. An excellent resource for use in discipleship of new...
Worship, Wonder, and Way

Worship, Wonder, and Way

Author: Grant Zweigle Evangelism doesn’t have to be the scary, confrontational word it seems to have become. Grant Zweigle’s vision for evangelism sounds a lot like many people’s vision for basic Christian friendship: regular prayer, care, concern,...
Way, Truth, and Life

Way, Truth, and Life

Author: David Busic The Way, Truth, and Life is a series of resources created to bring faith communities together as we seek to become more and more like Jesus. A life of following Jesus should never be boring or stagnant, nor should it be done alone. In Way,...
Each One, Win One

Each One, Win One

Author: Stan Toler and Louis Bustle Therefore go and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20.)As Christians we are called to spread Christ’s message of love to the world, but it’s estimated that as many as 96% of churches do not have an identifiable witnessing...
Christ’s Mission, Our Commission 

Christ’s Mission, Our Commission 

Author: Scott Rainey In March 1972, my family moved from Fort Wayne, Indiana, to Merriam, Kansas. I had just turned 1 year old. My parents had had a rocky start in their marriage. For my mother, a new Christian, and my father, still running from God, our move to...
The Pursuing Power of Grace

The Pursuing Power of Grace

Author: Shanti Thomas Almost three decades ago, I had not understood God’s grace the way I recognize its power on my life now. The pursuing, transforming, enduring, yet mysterious and hovering presence of this unmerited favor of God is both capturing and captivating....
A Call to Worship

A Call to Worship

Author: T. Scott Daniels Believers in the Wesleyan tradition would find prevenient grace (the gracious and loving presence of God’s Spirit that universally goes before or in front of all people, drawing all people not only to God but to God’s purposes) to be the...
An Undeserved Grace

An Undeserved Grace

Author: Marco Velasco God’s grace, and only this grace, can offer salvation to humanity. “So God created mankind in his own image…male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27). Humankind disobeyed and corrupted their original relationship with God. In...
The Good News

The Good News

Author: Svetlana Khobnya Is “Prevenient Grace” Biblical? The task of establishing the idea of “prevenient grace” from a New Testament perspective may be challenging because the term itself does not appear in the New Testament or in the whole Bible for that matter. The...
A Community Called by Grace 

A Community Called by Grace 

Author: Tim Green Interwoven throughout the fabric of the Old Testament is the life-giving and hope-filled confession of faith: “The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love” (Psalm 145:8, ESV). From narratives (Exodus 34:6-7;...