My Gift Volume 01 – The Way

Everybody, especially the kids, loves to receive gifts on different occasions. God, in His loving kindness and perfect love, offers you a gift that we would like you to discover as you go through this resource material called “THE GIFT” — the grace that is free and timeless for everyone, kids and adults alike.

Grace is that gift only God can give, something that He has given to those who do not deserve it. God’s grace is not a thing, but a person—Jesus Christ. You can receive THE GIFT of God in and through faith in Jesus Christ leading to joy, peace, and righteousness (Romans 14:17).

THE GIFT is a collection of Bible lessons divided into 3 volumes:

  • Volume 1 has 17 lessons that speak about the prevenient grace of God.
  • Volume 2 has 17 lessons that speak about the saving grace of God.
  • Volume 3 has 18 lessons that speak about the sanctifying grace of God.

Each lesson has 6 parts:

  1. The objectives are made general for the children’s psychomotor and cognitive development.
  2. The Bible stories or biblical references used are all taken from the International Children’s Bible. Children are encouraged to read the Bible verses provided.
  3. The practical stories are designed as illustrations for the children to understand well the
    biblical truths taught in every lesson. They can be presented as a “story-telling” or in
    any way the teacher may want to use them.
  4. Please do not forget to have the kids memorize the memory verse for each lesson. This
    is a good cognitive exercise for the children especially when memorized effectively and
    lived out personally.
  5. The application part of the lesson offers practical applications and post-lesson activities
    related to Bible truths learned and THE GIFT presented or discovered in and through
    the lessons.
  6. The prayer is the concluding part of the lesson where kids are given the opportunity to
    talk to God about their thoughts and learnings from each day’s lesson. By this, the children will have the opportunity to offer their own thanksgiving for THE GIFT they have
    received from God.
  7. Teachers are given the opportunity to explore possibilities and practice their creativity in incorporating some songs and activities relevant to the lesson-themes, according to the context
    and resources available.
    It is our fervent prayer that this resource materials will unbox THE GIFT and its expressions in
    relation to life and faith. We aim to communicate to kids God’s amazing grace. May the Lord
    through His abundance grace, bless you!

Teachers are given the opportunity to explore possibilities and practice their creativity in incorporating some songs and activities relevant to the lesson-themes, according to the context and resources available.

It is our fervent prayer that this resource material will unbox THE GIFT and its expressions in
relation to life and faith. We aim to communicate to kids God’s amazing grace. May the Lord
through His abundant grace, bless you!
