Family Relationships

Author: Dawn I Heckman

This unit is designed to help students understand how to survive and thrive in their family. Even though the family can be a place where conflict arises, Christians have both a responsibility, and opportunity to work to resolve conflicts properly. They can do this by building relationships that are based on love and respect.

Lesson 1: Can’t Pick ‘Em; but Ya Gotta Love ‘Em–All Christians are called to love and respect our parents. (Ephesians 6:1-3; Exodus 20:12; 1 Corinthians 13:4-7)

Lesson 2: He Ain’t Heavy; He’s My Brother–Getting along with siblings requires that we build relationships with love and respect so that when conflicts arise, they can be resolved with reconciliation and forgiveness. (1 John 4:20-21; Colossians 3:12-14; Luke 10:38-42; 15:11-32; Genesis 4:2-8; 25:19-34; 37:2-24, 28; 45:4-8)

Lesson 3: Love Them to the Lord–As with any relationship, Christians should witness to non-Christian family members with consistent love, perseverance, and Spirit-filled lives. (Mark 5:18-20; John 1:40-42; Matthew 5:10-12, 14-16)

Lesson 4: New Relations–The blending of families through remarriage can be difficult, but with God’s help, a Christian can build healthy relationships with all family members. (Genesis 29:1-30; 30:1-24; Exodus 1:22-2:10; 2 Samuel 13; 1 Kings 11:1-4)
