As the world continues its trajectory of embracing either an increasingly secular understanding of itself, or a diversity of faith that includes a plurality of truth, it becomes increasingly important for the church to understand its existence within the context of an adequate response. This workshop will contend that such a response is best understood in a Wesleyan model of transformational grace that must include an outwardly facing love that desires to embrace the communities in which we live. This construct commits us to a model of discipleship that embraces a transformational understanding of sanctification that includes both entire and progressive components. Such a model of discipleship must include the transformation of our lives revealing a love that desires to embrace those around us.

About the Presenter: Roland Hearn is an ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene who commenced pastoral ministry over 35 years ago. He currently serves as both a District Superintendent (ANWD) and Field Strategy Coordinator (Australia and New Zealand). Roland has been married to Emmy for 37 years and has four children, Kaylah (33), Jon (31), Braden (28) and Tylah (27).

Language: English

Embedded Incarnational Missions

File Type: Lectures, Video

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