Beyond Sunday

Compiled by: Woodie J. Stevens

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28: 19).

As faithful followers of Christ, we study His teachings and worship together; we sing in the choir, attend Sunday School classes, and volunteer in the nursery; we pay our tithes, support our missionaries, and participate in outreach projects. We invest our lives in the people, programs, activities, and instruction of our churches. But surrounding ourselves with church and Christian ideals does not make us devoted disciples. Devoted disciples make Christ their passion, their mission, their motivation; they carry Christ with them wherever they go.

Written by church leaders and educators, Beyond Sunday invites you to move from being a follower of Christ to His devoted disciple, becoming His love to the people you interact with every day. Through insights, motivation, and practical suggestions, it guides you toward developing a solid, responsive, everyday faith-a faith so submerged in Christ that it flows beyond the walls of your church and into the lives of the people around you.

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