A Journey of Grace

In support of the Nazarene Discipleship global initiative, “A Journey of Grace,” Holiness Today has developed a series of four issues explaining the Nazarene theology of God’s grace. God goes before, pursuing us with His prevenient grace. God saves, showing mercy when we turn to Him. God sanctifies, transforming us into His image. Each step is part of our journey of grace as believers. 

Read individual articles from these issues via the links below.

God Goes Before

Providence and Prevenience — David Busic

The Initiative of God: Prevenient Grace and the Atonement — T. A. Noble

John Wesley on Prevenient Grace — Geordan Hammond

A Community Called by Grace — Tim Green

The Good News — Svetlana Khobnya

An Undeserved Grace — Marco Velasco

A Call to Worship — T. Scott Daniels

The Pursuing Power of Grace — Shanti Thomas

Christ’s Mission, Our Commission — Scott Rainey

God Saves

Redemption — Heather Powell

A Son of Abraham — Eugénio Duarte

The Initiative of God: Prevenient Grace and Justification — T. A. Noble

Pelagius, Augustine, and Arminius — Vinicius Couto

A Community Born by Grace — Tim Green

The Righteous Judge — Svetlana Khobnya

With the Grain of the Universe — T. Scott Daniels

Justification, Regeneration, and Adoption — Stéphane Tibi

A Merciful Savior — Flavio Valvassoura

Keeping in Step with Jesus — Scott Rainey

God Sanctifies

The Message of Full Salvation — Fili Chambo

The Initiative of God: Prevenient Grace and Sanctification — T. A. Noble

A Community Transformed by Grace — Tim Green

Established in Christ — Svetlana Khobnya

Original Sin and Sanctification — Gift Mtukwa

Transformation of a Family Tree — Scott Sessions

Holy Formation — T. Scott Daniels

The Grace of God in Regenerating Those Dead in Sin — Gabriel Benjiman

Consecration — Ágatha Heap

Growing in Grace — Darren Melton

Intentional Parenting — Scott Rainey

A Journey of Grace

Discipleship Essentials — Larry Morris

A Journey of Grace — Scott Rainey

Life is a Journey — David Graves

On the Brink of Everything — John Bowling

Come, Follow Me — Celeste Chaguala

Fullness in Christ — Jorge Julca

Life With God — Klaus Arnold

Our First Estate — John Comstock

Physical sets of these “Journey of Grace” magazines are available to churches in the United States and Canada. If you would like to order “Journey of Grace” sets for your church, please email holinesstoday@nazarene.org with the number of sets you would like to receive and the address they should be shipped to. 

You can download a free PDF of each issue here:

God Goes Before

God Saves

God Sanctifies

A Journey of Grace

Additional resources are available at nazarene.org/journey.

Author: Holiness Today
