Mindoro District: newest district established in Philippines-Micronesia Field

Mar 22, 2024

The Nazarene Global Mission Office officially announced this month that the island of Mindoro in the Philippines has reached its Phase 1 status, which means that a new district has been established once again. The Mindoro District is under the ministry supervision of the Southern Tagalog District, which also established the Palawan District in 2021.

The Island of Mindoro lies in the southwest part of Luzon in the Philippines and is divided into two major provinces called Oriental Mindoro and Occidental Mindoro. According to its local government website, it is the seventh largest island in the Philippines, with a total area of 20,244.51 sq. kilometers.  The place is well known for its famous natural diving spots, rivers, and several bodies of water. This made fishing one of their major sources of income and livelihood among villagers. Fishing has also been used to reach out to people in the community, using Jesus’ disciples’ occupation in disciple-making, teaching, and preaching. They called it the “Pamalakaya,” a local term used for fishermen, and it has been contextualized as “fishers of men,” which is now used in their churches to catch people and lead them to a life-long journey to our Lord Jesus Christ. They aim to see more new members adapt the concept of this discipleship to what is already familiar to them, making it easier to share the Gospel with those who have not heard of it. 

The new district is now home to five new churches in the following towns: Tayamaan, Tangkalan, Sta. Cruz, Sablayan, and Aroma. The ministry workers and pastors would like to experience and participate in more church-planting activities throughout its nearby communities and provinces to thrive in the upcoming years and be added to their new district. May the Lord open more opportunities for the people and church workers to spread the message to other parts of this island. 

The designation of Mindoro Island as a Phase 1 district materialized through the dedicated efforts of countless individuals who committed to expanding the Kingdom. Former district superintendents, unwavering leadership, congregations, pastors, and lay members contributed to this significant milestone. Their collective contributions are now woven into the fabric of this historic occasion.

Erika Caparas

Erica Caparas is the Communications Coordinator for Philippines - Micronesia Field.

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