Going Beyond Borders & Barriers – Land in Restricted Access Area..Urgent Need

by | Feb 15, 2017

Asia-Pacific Region: An urgent need has arisen in a restricted access area for partners to help with the continuation of a very strategic project. Funds are being raised to secure a 20-year land lease allowing us to keep an established work alive in a poor rural area. Security reasons don’t allow a description of how this land is to be used other than to say full-time activities are occurring there now by a dedicated man and wife who have a wonderful vision to connect with and train young people. If sufficient funds are not immediately raised, all the improvements placed on this location through a short-term temporary lease will be lost. Let’s respond quickly together to keep His vision alive!

The total amount needed in the next 30 days is $45,000 (USD). 

There is significant urgency since the land owner plans to quickly sell the land to others if our lease is not agreed upon and funded.

Projects of this nature in restricted and creative access areas are sometimes the most difficult to resource as we are so limited by what we can say.  But know this – God is at work and in some of the most challenging areas, that’s where we see the greatest harvest!  This project has the full support of the AP Region and Field leadership.

Your prayers and consideration in investing in this Kingdom project are so greatly appreciated.

Follow this link for the Approved Ten Percent Missions Special.

Todd & Connie Lou Aebischer

Todd and Connie Lou Aebischer served as Regional Communications Coordinator - Regional NMI Coordinator respectively for over 4 years. They are now serving in Papua New Guinea under Mission Aviation Fellowship as Country Director / Program Director.

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