World Evangelism Fund

Support the work of the Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific through the World Evangelism Fund. Your personal gifts reach around the world to change lives and transform hearts in Jesus’ name … making Christlike disciples in the nations.

The World Evangelism Fund fuels the Church of the Nazarene’s mission by combining each person’s and church’s gift together to fund ministries everywhere. Every church is asked to give a portion of their yearly funds for the purpose of making Christlike disciples in the nations. You can learn more about the World Evangelism Fund by downloading a brochure by clicking here.

Why does the World Evangelism Fund exist?

In 1923, the Church of the Nazarene moved to a centralized funding system called the General Budget. In 1997, the name was changed to World Evangelism Fund, but the purpose remained the same: to sustain valuable ministries through consistent mission funding. The World Evangelism Fund provides the undesignated money and mission network that all Nazarene ministries need. Your gifts create and sustain ministries, and allow ministry personnel to spread the gospel.

How does the World Evangelism Fund work?

When you give, the money comes to the General Treasurer’s Office where the funds are distributed to various regions, missionaries, and ministries around the globe. The World Evangelism Fund not only provides ministries on the ground with the monies they need, but the money is used to ensure that legal, federal, and support needs are met so that ministries are as safe as possible and can be sustained for years to come.

Here are a few examples of ministries that the World Evangelism Fund makes possible through direct funding or the ministry network:

How is the World Evangelism Fund Received?

Much of the monies received come directly from local churches as a part of the Funding the Mission plan (watch the USA or Canada video about the plan). When you donate, your church gives a tithe of that money on to the worldwide Nazarene church. The World Evangelism Fund goal for every church is 5.5% of their income for the year less mission giving.

The most common method of donating is electronically through for individuals’ gifts and for USA churches’ gifts. Gifts can also be given by check using an individual or church remittance form. These donations are sent through Global Treasury Services to the World Evangelism Fund or ministry of your choice. Church gifts are automatically recorded on and help churches reach their giving goals. Individuals can choose to give Ten Percent credit to their church during the giving process. Legacy and estate gifts may also be given through the Nazarene Foundation.

Some churches choose to raise funds through the Easter Offering and Thank Offering for the World Evangelism Fund. These two offerings happen every year, and Stewardship Ministries provides promotional and informational resources to help churches communicate the offerings to their congregations. Churches also use Faith Promise pledges to raise funds throughout the year. We encourage churches to actively engage their congregations in understanding and giving toward mission work through the World Evangelism Fund. Many churches choose to invest more than the 5.5% goal toward ministry, and those gifts make a huge difference.

Thank You

When a church meets its Funding the Mission tithe goals, including the 5.5% for the World Evangelism Fund, it is recognized as a World Evangelism Church. All World Evangelism churches receive a special thank you for their faithful generosity to the mission. Additionally, Nazarene Missions International recognizes churches that meet their World Evangelism Fund goal at 5.7%. Click here to read more about church recognitions.

None of the ministries the World Evangelism Fund sustains would be possible without the gifts of people like you. It is a pleasure to partner with you to take the gospel around the world. We thank you for your faithfulness to give and pray for Nazarene mission work everywhere.

Easter and Thanksgiving Offerings

The Easter and Thanksgiving offerings for the World Evangelism Fund have been a part of the Church of the Nazarene’s history for nearly 100 years. The offering provides the financial support the global church needs to fulfill its mission worldwide.

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