On 22 March 2025, around forty NYI participants from across the Asia-Pacific Region gathered online via Zoom to learn about NYI's purpose and ministry, led by...

On 22 March 2025, around forty NYI participants from across the Asia-Pacific Region gathered online via Zoom to learn about NYI's purpose and ministry, led by...
The Asia-Pacific Region participated in the Global Week of Prayer, which was held from 2 to 8 March 2025. The regional Nazarene Missions International Council...
Lake Placid, Florida: Over 250 Nazarene youth leaders from around the globe gathered at the Thirdwave Conference in Lake Placid, Florida, from 7 to 13...
The Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Asia-Pacific (NCM AP) held a virtual Campaign Launch on 1 December 2024 with more than 100 individuals across the...
Mooloolaba, Queensland, Australia: From 5 to 11 October, the Asia-Pacific Region Nazarene Women in Leadership Team met together for training and retreat. The...
Around the Region is the Official Newsletter of the Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific. Released Bi-Weekly with all the events, gatherings and announcements all around the Asia-Pacific Region.
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